Saturday 25 September 2010

Looking for?

Well what am I actually looking for? Well I'm looking for a bloke who can make me laugh is top of the list. But someone who has a strong mind of his own but is open minded and willing to do and try new things. I want someone else to be a adventurer with me. Someone to go through life with sharing experiences but maybe this is asking for too much?

I've always been independently minded and strong willed. I am me and I know what I am and what I want. Is this actually scaring lads off? I mean I'm not fan of going out on the scene these days but I do enjoying going out with mates in town. But I also miss cuddling up in bed at the end of the day. Then again I am an old school romantic person.

Something I found is that I actually enjoy going out for meals with friends and meeting new people. Nothing like good food and company to make your day great.

Maybe I am trying to hard but how else am I going to be able to actually progress?

First Post

Well here's the first post of my new but old blog. Well generally planning on this being a place for me to empty thoughts in my head rather than letting it going around my head. Well welcome to my madness!